Sunday mornings, 8-10am
Thursday nights, 8:30-10:30pm
We train every Sunday morning in Margate and are fortunate to have the use of a purpose-built fully matted dojo.
It is a small group of mixed ability which includes black belts and beginners. Everyone practises together and it is not unusual for a beginner to train with a black belt who can help guide them during the class.
This is the norm in classical arts, instead of seperating beginning and 'advanced' students everyone practices together with each person working on the same thing at their own level of understanding.
Just turning up is usually fine, though it is better to first send a brief message expressing your interest.
It only needs to be short and is considered good manners, at the same time it gives a chance to ask any questions you may have.
As with any endeavour, the important thing is to just get started! So if you have an interest in taking up Japanese martial arts and learning as faithfully as possible to the art in Japan please contact us.