FAQs and Links

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions, as always feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.



What is a training session like?

Training usually lasts for 2 hours and typically includes:

- Warm up and stretching

- Opening bow to mark the start of the class

- Ukemi (how to fall safely)

- Kihon (fundamentals)

- Main practise (usually in pairs)

- Closing bow to mark the end of the class.


How much does it cost?

We do not generally post fees on the internet. Class costs are quite modest and there are small annual fees to contribute towards insurance and Japanese membership.  


Do you have competitions?

No, like most Japanese bujutsu there are no competitions. There is also no sparring in the usual use of the term. In fact the opposite is true: trust and cooperation between partners are essential for safe and productive practise.


What is the minimum age / are there children's classes? There are no children’s classes at the moment and the usual minimum age for participation is 16. Permission from a parent or guardian is required for anyone under 18.

Full faqs
A more complete list of frequently asked questions.
Adobe Acrobat document [33.6 KB]
Guidelines For Participation
Hatsumi sensei's Guidelines For Participation In The Bujinkan.
Guidelines For Participation In The Buji[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [29.4 KB]

Bujinkan Dojo

Ninjutsu London (Battersea)

Seijitsu Dojo (Suffolk)

Kenshin Dojo (Gt. Yarmouth)

Tombo Dojo (Gr. Manchester)

Hemel Dojo (Hemel Hempst'd)

Midkent Dojo (Aylesford)


Budo & Japanese goods

Travel, Language etc.


*** NEWS ***



Wishing everyone at the dojo, old and new, a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.



The beginning of a new year is often a time for thinking about the future and making resolutions.


If your thoughts for 2025 include a mix of health, fitness, well being and all round self improvement our traditional martial arts practise may be just the challange you're looking for.


We will soon be starting a course of classes aimed specifically for beginners which will include a free training uniform to welcome new members.


Please look around our website and contact us about getting started.

Join our Facebook page here

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